Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Returned Missionaries

I think that it is great that young men choose to go out on a mission and spend two years of their lives spreading the gospel. It is a major sacrifice, in my oppinion, that someone would go and leave their family and friends for two years and lots of times go and learn another language and live in a foreign land. So my hats off to them for that! But....
Why is it that when a missionary comes home and gets over his "oddness" which I think should only take a week maybe two, they go and act like hormone crazed, desperate to get married, a-holes!?! Now I never served a mission in the traditional sense. I did go to Iraq and spent a year there instead of passing out BOM's I was sending out lead. And I admit when I got home I was a little culture shocked. I know that I am a little older and I have been home learning how to interact with the opposite sex for a little longer but if I see another RM act like a total jerk, for lack of other words that I would use if this was not viewed by young ladies, I think I may kill them!!!
Let me explain. I have had two really good friends that went and served faithful missions. And I am stoked that they are home. It is really good to see them and be able to hang out with them. Wait let me say that again. It is nice to see them when they are not tripping about some girl and if they like them and if they are going to ask them out and what everyone thinks of them and if anyone would care and if this other girl would be upset and if she is what does it mean and so on and so forth. Let me add that I have found this to be a very rare experience when at least three of these things has come up.
Now I'm not trying to be a hater. I would really like for them to all get girlfriends and move on with their lives. But I think it kind of sucks that they only want to talk to you for the reason of meeting a prospective eternal partner and then when you put them in a setting of the sort all bets are off. Regardless of how you may feel about any particular young lady or want to try and get to know someone of the opposite sex it is a dog fight. Now when I was in high school it was kind of fun to have a friendly challenge and see who could get the girl. But we all grew up and the stakes are a little bigger than just trying to make out for the night.
So I have made a realization. I'm going to go and do my own thing. Before I would just shrug it off and wish them the best of luck with their quest, chances are they would just screw it up and actually make me look a little better. But now that it is effecting my friendships with other people because of their irresponsible and immature actions and sometimes lack of respect for other people and their feelings I am going to go and meet new girls and date and have a good time and leave them to find their own paths. I'm not sure if that is a jerk thing to do and if I am not being a good friend but this is just getting ridiculous. Best of luck to them and their search for eternal happiness. Hopefully I will be able to help them, if they ever realize that I don't want to hook up with their girls, and will be able to be go on the infamous double date! LOL (End of rant)

1 comment:

Ashlie Swainston said...

I sure wish you would post something new!!!!!!